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The DfE Offers Free Level 3 Qualifications for Tradespeople to Up-Skill

In today's job market, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. The Department for Education (DfE) has an incredible opportunity for tradespeople and industry professionals to become qualified to teach. If you're 19 or over, you can access a Level 3 qualification, opening new doors for your career.

June 28, 2024

The DfE Offers Free Level 3 Qualifications for Tradespeople to Up-skill

In today's job market, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. The Department for Education (DfE) has an incredible opportunity for tradespeople and industry professionals to become qualified to teach. If you're 19 or over, you can access a Level 3 qualification, opening new doors for your career.

What is a Level 3 Qualification?

Level 3 qualifications are equivalent to an Advanced Technical Certificate, diploma, or A-levels. These qualifications are designed to equip you with employable skills and an award to prove it.

Eligibility Criteria

You can get a free Level 3 qualification if you:

  • Are 19 or over and do not already have a Level 3 qualification.
  • Already have a Level 3 qualification or higher but earn below the low wage threshold of £22,308 (annual gross salary based on the National Living Wage 2024) or are unemployed.

In some areas, the low wage threshold may vary. Please check with your local training provider for specific details.

Why Should You Consider a Level 3 Qualification?

Become Officially Qualified in Your Industry

Imagine becoming officially qualified in your current field without the financial burden. Having years of industry experience is essential to educate in your field, but a Level 3 qualification is required as formal proof of your skills.

Diversify Your CV

Having diverse skills can set you apart. For instance, if you're an Engineer, why not consider studying Environmental Conservation to meet the growing demand for Eco-friendly Engineers? Or perhaps you could expand your STEM knowledge by taking on a new subject, as all four are available for free. The extra qualifications show your adaptability and will make you stand out in a crowd.

Not only does this increase the number of jobs you are suitable for full-time but provides opportunities to teach night classes on other subjects if you’re looking for side-work.

Courses Available

The range of Level 3 qualifications is extensive, covering various fields from Accounting and Finance to Building and Construction. The list is worth taking some time to read through and design your next step.

How to Apply

  1. Find a Course: Use the National Careers Service course finder to see which courses are available for free in your local area or online. Set the distance you are willing to travel.
  1. Contact the Provider: Reach out to the college or training provider to confirm they offer the qualification you're interested in, check the admissions criteria, and apply for the course.

Alternatively, you can search for courses on your local college’s or provider’s website. A full list of providers offering free places for Level 3 qualifications is available from the Department for Education.

Take the Next Step

Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to boost your career and enhance your skills. For advice on which qualifications could increase your employability or your current career options, send your CV through to our Recruitment experts.
